Home » Media Max Employees Decry Authoritative Boss

Media Max employees have written to the Company’s chair and board of Directors in pain requesting them to address what they term as humiliation, disrespect and frustration by their C.E.O,  Ken Ngaruiya.


We as the staff of Media Max Networks Limited write this letter with a lot of pain, cry and plea that you critically and humbly hear our voice of the sad affair of running of this Organization


The staffs recount going through hard times which have seen one of them almost taking his life as others allegedly  die due to stress.

In the letter, they accuse the C.E.O of running the Organization like a one man show with their bosses having no voice and idea of whatever is going on in their various Departments.


They further point out several financial irregularities going on in the Organization with  favouritism  taking core in determining any employees salary and promotion.


They therefore requested the Chair and board of directors to give them an audience to share more of their experiences as they make it clear that they are not requesting for a salary increment but a conducive working environment which they say is impossible with Mr. Ngaruiya around.



In 2020, Mr. Ngaruiya fired a group of 150 Journalists who were against the 50% pay cut. The Journalists wrote a letter to the then President Uhuru Kenyatta asking him to intervene in vain.



Since that day, Mr. Ngaruiya is said to have been untouchable after acase accusing him of illegally firing the 150 Journalists who were sent home without their dues as required by the law collapsed.

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