Bien’s Wife Chases Away Lady Shaking Her Behind On Husband

Bien’s wife Chiki Kiruka seems ready for any joke but not one of a lady twerking for husband.
As seen in a video recentlky taken from Bien’s latest performances, a fan who seemingly wanted to have a dance with the singer walked on stage and started shaking her behind on the singer.
Bien noticing what was going on, smiled and moved forward, away from the lady.
Her wife then walked on stage swiftly escorting the lady away from her husband and off stage.
The video has elicited mixed reactions from netizens and below are sample of such reactions:
“But their relationship/ marriage or whatever they call it, is an open thing 😂😂,”Lindel Linker wrote
“Mimi Wangu Bado Angeniblame,”broken paw official said
“Wanasemaga kila mwanamke anajua taste ya bwana yake and it seems huyo alikuwa taste ya Bien kabisaaaaa,” Mtu necessary noted
“The way Bien was enjoying and smiling whilst looking back,”Daisy Rioba noticed