Home » “Roho Mbaya”: Willy Paul Explains Why His Upcoming Album Has No Kenyan Artist

“Roho Mbaya”: Willy Paul Explains Why His Upcoming Album Has No Kenyan Artist

Willy Paul Explains Why His Upcoming Album Has No Kenyan Artist

According to Willy Paul, kenyan artists are evil hearted.

Kenyan artist and songwriter Willy Paul has provided a response to netizens who have raised questions about the absence of Kenyan acts in his highly anticipated album, “Beyond Gifted”   scheduled to be released on April 30th.

Taking to his Instagram stories, Willy Paul shared his perspective on the matter. He addressed the complaints by explaining that the reason behind the exclusion of Kenyan artists from his album is because of the evil hearted nature of Kenyans.

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“I see people complaining, asking me why my album has got no Kenyan act. Kwani mmesahau vile Kenya kuwa na roho mbaya ni the most affordable thing?” he wrote.

Despite the absence of Kenyan artists, “Beyond Gifted” promises to be a remarkable musical compilation. The album comprises 14 songs, and Willy Paul has collaborated with renowned artists from different parts of the world.

Some of the notable artists include; Marioo, Nandy, Guchi, Tommy Lee, Weddy Shay, Alaine, and others. This diverse lineup of talented musicians adds a unique and international flavor to Willy Paul’s work, enhancing the album’s appeal and potential for cross-cultural resonance.Willy Paul’s response suggests that the decision was influenced by his perception of negativity within the Kenyan music industry.

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