Home » Man Faints After Being Arrested For Defiling His Housemaids.
Woman Charged For Stealing Boyfriend’s Money

She stole over 3 Million/ Photo courtesy

Police in Kayunga are working on a case against a man who is accused of sexually abusing the young girls he employs to work as housemaids in his home.


One of the victims identified as Namubiru Madrine, a resident in Nasana came into Mugisha Andrew’s home as a helper but two days after her arrival, he dragged her to the hospital to have her blood tested for HIV, two days after she had arrived in his home.


At the hospital, Mugisha allegedly registered Namubiru as his wife, something contrary to their agreement.


The suspect reportedly defiled her that night after threatening to shoot and kill her if she turned him down.


Speaking to Ssebuliba Muhammed at the police station, Namubiru further narrated how the suspect rented out a room where he practiced his atrocities and continued lying to his victims about how he had a wife and she had traveled.


The abuse allegedly continued for three months until Mugisha brought in a 12-year-old and took her through the same ordeal. This prompted Namubiru to alert the police.


The second victim whose identity has been concealed revealed that the suspected predator brought her from her father’s home in Mwera, Wakiso District with a promise that she was to take care of his children, something that has proven to be a lie.


Police together with local leaders visited the suspect’s home where neighbors confirmed the victims’ allegations.


Mugisha was immediately arrested and while taking him into custody, he pretended to have fainted. He was instead taken to Kayunga regional referral hospital to get treatment as he awaits to answer for his crimes.

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