Home » Men Boasting Of Being Gurus In Bed To Serve Seven Years In Prison

Men Boasting Of Being Gurus In Bed To Serve Seven Years In Prison

Scottish government has started a search in formation of five laws criminalising misogyny in its nation.


Following women harassment in the society and degradation, Scottish National Parliament has come up with more consultation on the matter to see women and men living in an inclusive and moral decorum society.


The law implemented named misogynistic law, entails anything aimed at either a man or a woman with a view of downgrading him or her.


Ahead of International Women’s Day on March, one human rights law expert Barones Kennedy was paid £ 10,000 equivalent to Ksh 1,139,800 shillings per day to do the consultation and deep search concerning misogyny.


In his search, Barones in conjunction with Scottish government criminalised loud sexual talk about women, chest thumping of winning the heart of a woman or having sex with her and speaking ill on either a woman or man in public as an offense.


Further, the search documented as a serious offense where a man rubs a woman’s behinds, smiles or drools at a woman’s eye-catching shape without her consent.


According to the new law/s; abusive and humiliating behavior by men in Scotland has been on the rise in 21st century thus Scotland National Parliament – SNP is outlawing the unethical behaviors.


Among the behaviors being criminalised; watching pornography, nude pictorials in public and making loud noise, when a victim is found will be sentenced to seven years in prison accompanied by a fine.


Men fond of whistling at women or calling their names at loud in streets without their (women’s) consent is also outlawed and when suspects found, they’ll be jailed. The behavior is categorised as misogynistic behavior.


Stealthing, a situation where a man or a woman pokes holes on a partner’s condom or a man secretly opting for raw sex by removing a condom from his weapon reproduction will also be jailed for a period not less than 7 years because of his or her misogynistic behavior.


Keith Brown, SNP’s Justice Secretary said: “Women and girls are routinely humiliated, touched, groped, undermined, trolled and objectified both online and off, and subjected to threats, harassment and abuse about their looks or desirability – stopping them from fully participating in society.


“Although there are already a range of laws that can be used to prosecute aspects of misogynistic harassment and abuse, these do not accurately identify the particular harm caused by misogyny. They also fail to adequately respond to problems faced by women, which is why we are consulting on further criminal reforms” she added.


According to Scottish Daily media, Scottish government is on the process of documenting more laws on misogyny in its masculine dominated society where SNP’s adds that, women suffer much in the male dominated society for being seen as tools for pleasure.

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