Home » NTV Journalist Take Shield As Protestors Hurl Stones

NTV Journalist Take Shield As Protestors Hurl Stones

NTV reporter Brian Obuya had one of the challenges as a journalist during his live broadcast.


In his quest and responsibility to  inform the public, Brian hid in a kiosk like building to take refuge during the live broadcast.


“Alaa,” the reporter said many times as he heard the stones being hurled


Police officers earlier today  had confrontation with protesters at Mathare who wanted to have their way into the Nairobi CBD.


The protesters threw stones at officers the same direction Brian was.


Police officers lobbed teargas as some protesters returned back some canisters. It took several minutes and  more anti-riot officers to disperse the adamant protesters.

The challenge Brian went through sparked mixed reactions among netizens.


Total Man: Bora habari itufikie. .. very dangerous for him though.

Joe:  Si mlisema the protestors were peaceful.

Advocate: It is fair enough. We all get caught in-between these peaceful demonstrations. Its good that he is sharing in on behalf of his profession.

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