My Husband Defecates Everytime He Reaches Orgasm, Please Help

WEIRDO: In love relationship, people say a vehicle after being bought must be taken for a road test to know its general condition like fuel consumption, engine wellness and brakes.
But here, a woman, 35, has asked social media users pieces of advice concerning her marriage that is affecting her sexual wellbeing and mental health.
The mother of three claim she sometime long for sex but her husband’s habit of defecating during orgasm taunts her.
She says her 43- year- old politician husband whenever they have sex and reaches orgasm, he loses breaks and defecates on bed.
“In the years we have been married, my hubby defecates almost every time we make love. He first shouts in excitement, then defecates when he reaches climax/orgasm. I saw one medical doctor in Ndola and he tried but nothing is changing” she discloses.
During their dating and courtship time eons back, the woman admits they never had sex with her now husband until their honeymoon.
The two stayed sexless despite genitalia longings to partner and enjoy the sweet fruit meant for two. However, during honeymoon, the man defecated in their booked lodging forcing the woman to wash the mess in line with, till life do us apart.
“I dated and married my hubby, and in courtship we agreed not to have sex, though my man and I had dated other people before that. For sure we lived without sex.
“Now, after wedding, we had our first sex as married people – my husband defecated during the process. It was embarrassing, I understood, thinking it was phobia and, may be, the food we had during our wedding” the woman adds.
Behind their sexless courtship life, she further discloses that at one time after marriage, she asked her husband some probable reasons in relation to their previous sexless life and admitted that women oftenly left him because of defecating.
” I tried to ask him about the possible reason, but he just says that is the reason why the women he dated were leaving him” the worried woman asserts.
Now that they are married and have children, the lady fear to dirtify the political image of the hubby despite the two at a time feeling horny and desire to quench their sexual thirst because of the condition.
“Sometimes when am or he is horny, I even fear to have sex with him because of this condition.
“ I am in a mess! I don’t want to dent my husband’s political image, but I can’t pretend any more. Political influence and money seem to have failed to compensate my predicament” devastated woman discloses.
In getting responses on her worry shared by one social media influencer Komuono, Facebook users have come up with controversial opinions and suggestions as some claim the politician might have been one among the LGBTQ community.
Chero Tich : Solution to this is; every time you wanna have sex do it in a sitting position, only that the seat will be that of a toilet. His cumming cum defecation will be done expressly to shimo la tewa without any problem. You are welcome ma’am.
Eunita Sunya: On a very serious note. There are higher chances that your husband had activated his Sim 2 before. Just sit him down and find out if he ever did this because I believe this is the only reason why anal sphincter muscles could become loose. I’m really sorry though. But tulisema engine hujaribiwa kwanza. Sasa ona shida unapitia juu ya kokosa kufanya mic testing.
Atieno Otieno; He’s the one who suggested that y’all wait until after marriage, right? That’s emotional abuse. He was setting you up for a lifetime of defecation sex 🤣🤣🤣
Collins Omondi Okello: If it’s not a biological anomaly or health impairment, then he is probably a current/former member of rectum annihilation association, LGBTQ.
Vida Nyarkangor: How about no eating on the sex day for temporary? Then go and see a gastroenterologist to see if those sphincter can be tightened via surgery. Marriage is very good and beautiful.
Toderan Julie: Hi dear, it’s really embarrassing whatever you’re going through. We may not understand the weight of what you’re going through in your matrimonial marriage but maybe you can use makintosh then when you’re on the act, you can be on top and when defecates on the makintosh, you can let him wash after.