Home » Iron Bar Hitmen Attack, Kill Hawker

Police in Hoima City are investigating the violent attack on Vicente, a resident of Kinuubi trading center in Hoima West Division.


It is reported that the 30 year old hawker was attacked by iron bar assailants at around 1AM as he was heading back to his home. Following the attack, a good Samaritan rushed Vicente to Hoima Referral Hospital but unfortunately died on arrival.


Albertine Region Police Spokesperson, Julius Hakiiza confirmed the attack and noted that Vicente was also stabbed in the head numerous times with a sharp object, rendering him unconscious before they ran away with his belongings. Among the items that were stolen include money, a mobile phone and other merchandise. The deceased succumbed to injuries sustained in the attack.


According to Hakiiza, an open investigation into the matter has been opened to help track down the criminals and bring them to justice.

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