Home » Kilifi Azimio Supporters: Release Arrested Leaders Unconditionally

Azimio la Umoja one -Kenya supporters in Kilifi County have called for the immediate unconditional release of all leaders affiliated to the coalition who were arrested on Monday morning during the beginning of the nationwide mass action demonstrations.


The supporters and leaders led by Malindi town ward member of County Assembly Rashid Odhiambo said the failure by the Government to release the leaders who include their own Amina Mnyazi (Malindi MP) Ken Chonga (Kilifi South MP) and Kilifi Senator Stewart Madzayo they would stage mass demonstrations.


Addressing a press conference in Malindi Odhiambo said they were giving the government two hours to release the leaders or he would mobilize their supporters all over Malindi to storm the Malindi Sub-county police station in protest.


“We want to pass our message to the government, especially the Interior Minister Bwana Kindiki. We want to tell you that we people of Malindi are not happy that what is happening is violating individual rights. Our area MP has the right to demonstrate,” he said.


Chief Mwachiti, an ODM leader in Kilifi County said the leaders should be released immediately and unconditionally because they were doing their constitutional rights.


“We are telling the government of William Ruto to stop intimidating our leaders. We demand the immediate release of the leaders without any condition, “he said.


He said their spirit of the demonstration was still on and asked ODM Party leader Raila Odinga not to lose hope as they were with him.


Agnes Thoya, a former Nominated Councilor in Malindi said they have given the government only two hours to release the leaders arrested in Nairobi or else there would be more demonstrations in Kilifi County.


“Honorable Ruto, we respect you but you have disrespected us. We are going to do like what the former Molo MP did to strip off naked in protest against your leadership that time women strip off clothes, do you want us to remove our clothes and release our girl now,” she said.


Manase Famau a resident of Malindi also urged president Ruto to release all the KIlifi county leaders who were taking part in the demonstrations on the behalf of the local people.


“By Evening if they are not released there will be mass demonstrations here in Malindi, We want Amina Mnyazi to be released unconditionally,” she said.


Kensa Ondieki, an Azimio supporter said they were also planning mass demonstrations and demanded all leaders in Kenya who have been arrested be released.


“We are telling you honorable Ruto Kenya today is not like the one during the Moi era if you won’t listen to Kenyans you will find yourself in a bad place,” he said.


Tima Abu, another resident also supported the calls for immediate release and warned against the injustice saying there could be more demos in the county.

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