Taliban Government Annuls Divorce Laws

Ahead of International Women’s Day, the United Nation ranked Taliban government as one of the world cruel government in respecting women in the society.
Since Talibans took power in Afghanistan, 2021; women have suffered under their cruel government. The government has stopped girls from going to school, addressing the public and holding governmental leadership positions.
In 2021, the Ministry of Women’s Affairs and Human Rights Commission in Afghanistan was erased leaving women in limbo states.
Early this week, the Talibans abolished the law of divorce forcing divorced women to return to their abusive marriages.
Marwa, 40- year-old woman when speaking to one media house, said her monstrous ex-husband left her nearly toothless eons back before she filed a divorce suit.
The woman, mother of eight claimed her husband used to coerce her and beat her but when the US was in charge of Afghanistan they helped her file a divorce although when Talibans took over, she is now forced to return to her abusive marriage.
“My daughters and I cried a lot that day till I said to myself, oh, God! The devil has returned. I’ll completely become toothless in the hands of that monster” Marwa said.
According to UN report, 9 out of 10 women are abused daily in Afghanistan under the Taliban government. As the case, this ranks Afghanistan as the world’s top country with high discrimination statues about women.
Under the US occupation in Afghanistan, the US protected and supported the women who are abused in the society and following their stay in Afghanistan, many filed divorce but now under the Talibans, the women are forced back to their abusive marriages.
Besides the force; only drug addicts or those who left the country, are the only husbands who their women are allowed to divorce.