Men Walk For 120km To Pray Hoping To Get Women To Marry

A group of men from Southern India marched in February for a 120km distance to the temple to pray in order to get wives.
The men from crop farming district of Mandya claim they had reached the age of marrying but none of them could be accepted by a woman.
According to the group’s organiser, the planning process to go for prayer had registered over 200 men but claim; the media took their move differently making some to opt out.
As they planned, the team started by 30 men and by the time they reached at the temple; they were 60 men.
Mallesha, 33, a political enthusiast among the participants in the march of the bachelors to male temple, claim he had reached the age of marrying but found no lady to marry.
“The time I was to fall in love, I was busy working but now that I have everything in life, I cannot find a girl to marry” says Mallesha.
Mandya, is a district blessed with fertile land in Southern India and there’s food in plenty but ironically, men are rejected perhaps because of the low income they get.
“People think young men from farming families have uncertain income” Krishna, 31 one of the participant said.
The resort of the men to visit the male temple was to pray in order for doors to open so that they can get women to marry.
“It was a difficult walk but we managed and prayed. As per our prayers, we hope we shall get married soon” Mr Mallesha adds.
The 33- year- old agriculturalist and also entrepreneur claim for the past few years, he has been rejected by 30 women because of his now; close association with farming.
But according to one, Mandya’s region born lady that resorted to live in town, the woman says life in villages is not favourable because women live as if in cages.
” If the women go to a farming , they would be required to take permission from their husband to go out and in our generation, nobody would like to depend on anyone” says Jayasheela Prakash.
In India, Mandya District’s previous report shows; the ratio of women to men is low but has recently worsened since 2001. Males 960 are rationed to 1000 females in 2011 from 971: 1000 in 2001.