Home » Five Arrested In Connection To The Disappearances Of Church Members

Five Arrested In Connection To The Disappearances Of Church Members

Bishop Ismael Ojangole, leader of Christ Disciples Church speaking before journalists and denying the sect that traveled to Ethiopia

Police in Ngora District have arrested five cult leaders from Christ’s Disciple’s Church over the alleged disappearance of a number of church members who were reported missing last week.


The arrest follows the missing report issued by East Kyoga Regional Police Spokesman, Oscar Gregg Ageca on Thursday about the alleged disappearance of at least 100 people in Serere District. Days later, more people who are believed to be from the same church have been reported to be missing in the districts of Soroti, Kumi and Ngora.


Oscar Gregg Ageca says that the group was arrested as they were preparing more members from the church to travel to Ethiopia. These will help with further investigations into the matter.


According to source, the batch traveled by road to Ethiopia through Nairobi on 17th February 2023. By that time, the district was holding the Serere County MP campaigns and they took advantage of the commotion.


Previous reports revealed how the group had traveled to Ethiopia to spread the gospel after receiving a spiritual revelation. One eye witness, also a member of the church who failed to travel because of lack of money and illnesses, says the revelation was received by some leaders of the church last year who split the church into two groups.


“I was in the first group and we were asked to pray and intercede until God revealed something about the journey. But our group didn’t get any feedback after praying and fasting for two days and that’s why we were sidelined,” 47 year old Adongo Florence said.


It is reported that before they disappeared, each member was tasked to contribute Ugx. 2 Million Which would be used to cater for their transport and food on the long journey. Many of them sold their items cheaply to raise the money and some recalled their children from work, marriages and schools to embark on the journey.


“They have sold their land, houses and almost everything they had. When I investigated deeper I got different information from different people with others saying they were shifting, going for missionary. They left with their children, women and those who were at a distance were all called and travelled. I’m told they were stopped along the way but they penetrated through and as we talk now, they are in Ethiopia.” Oumo George William, LC3 Chairperson Kidetok Town Council said.


Explaining the reasons for their movements, some members of the church who stayed behind revealed that there was fear that the world would come to an end (rapture) and in the process, only Ethiopia would be safe that is why they had to take refuge there.


Former leader and founder of the church, Bishop Ismael Ojongole while speaking to journalist reveals that the section of members that traveled to Ethiopia rebelled against the church and rejected the leadership in 2017, breaking away from the main church and forming their own sect.


“They rebelled and I hear they have gone somewhere but the actual fact remains, the church I lead does not comply with anything with those people. We are in  the true service” He said.


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