Home » Mutura Seller Reportedly Kills Customer Over Ksh.10 Debt

Mutura Seller Reportedly Kills Customer Over Ksh.10 Debt

A Mutura seller in Murang’a has left many in shock after allegedly killing his customer over a Ksh. 10 debt.


The victim said to be a  20-year-old man was killed on a Sunday morning  in Maragua town at around 2 am outside a nightclub.


“The information we have is that the two had an argument that resulted in the mútura seller reaching out for his knife and attacked the man,” Maragua Assistant County Commissioner Joshua Okello said 


The suspect was never left scot free by charged area residents who attacked him only to be rescued by police officers.


“Irate residents responded by attacking the assailant and were on the verge of lynching him when police arrived and rescued him,” Mr Okello said.


Due to the injuries from the attack, the suspect is currently  hospitalised under police guard as he waits to be arraigned in court.


The body of the deceased on the other hand was taken to Murang’a Level Five Hospital Mortuary awaiting postmortem.

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