Home » Woman Jailed For Three Years For Torturing Teen Over Love For A Boyfriend

Kafta Queen/photo courtesy/

Kira Court Chief Magistrate Ms Roseline Nsenge has sentenced a Tanzanian female student from Trinity College Nabweru by name Kaftah Queen for three years in jail after pleading guilty of aggravated torture.

The 18-year-old student was arrested on 17th January, 2023 and remanded at Luzira Prison after a video went viral on social media showing her among other girls torturing a 15-year-old teenage girl over the allegations of being in love with her (Kaftah’s) boyfriend.

According to prosecutions led by Mr Edward Tweheyo, before remanding Kaftah and her friends captured in the viral video in prison on January 8 at Nsasa in Kira Municipality; the girls inflicted injuries on a female teen aged 15 accusing her of being in love with Kaftah’s boyfriend, Derrick Lwanga.

However, at Kira Court in Kampala, Chief Magistrate Ms Roseline Nsenge following the court order proceedings and investigations, Ms Nsenge sentenced Kaftah to jail for three years.

“I hereby sentence Kaftah Queen to three years in prison. The punishment should deter other children from getting involved in such acts,” she ruled.

Ms Nsenge notes that, it’s inadmissible under law for either grown ups, youth or teens to take law into their hands and torture any individual whether single or as a group.

In the viral video that was seen on social media, the teen (name withheld) was captured being pinched, slapped, insulted and mocked with allegations that “she snatch other people’s lovers”.

The angry girls are seen taking turns to inflict injuries on the teen girl as she cries relentlessly and for that case, Ms Nsenge notes that the judgement will act as an example to other minors having the behavior of taking law in their hands.

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