“Imeniuma Mama Kukataa Gari”: Tajiri Chui Debunks Mom’s Claims He’s Freemason

Bongo Flava artiste Tajiri Chui has debunked his mom’s claims that he’s in Freemason. The artiste has claimed that his wealth came out of hard work.
In an exclusive interview with Carry Mastory, Tajiri Chui revealed that he came from a humble background and the humble beginning made him work hard in life.
Nilijitenga na familia nikiwa na miaka 19 kwenda kujitafutia lakini utajiri wangu humpa mama wasiwasi. Mamangu waweza ukamtumia mfano milioni na akaanza vitisho ooh nimesikia mambo yenu si mazuri.” He revealed.
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The young Tanzania millionaire added that he was hurt when his mother rejected his car gift. He claimed the gift came from the heart, and he had no evil plans for her.
“Juzi, imeniuma sana mama kukataa zawadi yangu ya gari na kusema eti ni jeneza. Mimi mwenyewe nimepambana kupata utajiri wangu,” he shared.
Further, Tajiri Chui revealed that he’s always blamed for causing misfortunes in their family even though his siblings, parents and extended family are all alive.
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He explained that contrary to his mom’s claims that he had caused a lot of deaths in the family, he alleged most of them suffered from natural illnesses.
“Nyumbani kila kitu kwa mfano mtu akipita ajali ya baiskeli, mafua au kuchupuka kidogo, wanasema ni mimi lakini vingi ni mgonjwa ya kawaida tu si Freemason.” He explained.
The artiste also revealed that he’s feared by his father. He claimed the father thinks he’d allegedly sacrifice him in Freemason.