Dem Wa Facebook Shuts Down Critics Claiming She Was Fully Funded to Build Parents’ House

Comedienne Millicent Ayuwa, popularly known as Dem Wa Facebook, has responded to social media critics over claims people helped her build a house for her parents.
On her YouTube Channel, Dem Wa Facebook explained that she built her parents’ house using her money and that, a percentage of people are the ones who supported her by the little they had.
Comedienne Dem Wa Facebook said the money she used to build the house came from her branding deals and she rarely had a sleep until the house was completed.
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“Huona kwa mtandao wasee wakisema nimesaidiwa kujenga. Guys, nimepambana na brands. Zile brands hazikuwa zinanilipa hewa. Nilipiga a lot of brands kwa sababu ya kujenga hiyo nyumba.” She stated.
” Nilikuwa napata support but 99% ni my salary. Niliwork na extra brands 2024 kwa sababu ya kujenga hiyo nyumba,” the comedienne spoke emotionally.
Further, Dem Wa Facebook revealed she used to sleep late just to ensure the house was completed on time.
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“Kuna mtu alisema eti Dem Wa Facebook alisaidiwa kujenga eti kama hangesaidiwa, hiyo nyumba hangejenga. My dad anajua vile nilikuwa nina-struggle. Sikuwa ninalala kwa nyumba. Nilikuwa nikirudi kwa nyumba saa sita usiku.” She revealed.
“What I can say, hiyo nyumba nilijenga with my own money. Support nilipata ile kidogo tu but 99% nilijenga kwa pesa zangu,” she emphasized.
The comedienne built a house for her parents worth Ksh. 4M and presented them in December 2024.