Home » “Sh*t”:Jeff Koinange’s Curse Word During Live Broadcast Goes Viral
"Sh*t":Jeff Koinange Curse Word During Live Broadcast Goes Viral

Sh*t Jeff Koinange said/Image courtesy

Celebrated media personality Jeff Koinange is on social trend after Sunday’s news bulletin.


While on a live broadcast alongside his co-anchor Victoria Rubadiri, he mistakenly lashed out an unethical word that’s on the day’s talk.


Jeff Koinange, a Royal Media Services anchor- Citizen TV and Hot 96 was reading news when “interdenominational” word gave him migraine in pronunciation.


Reading about the President’s sentiments and plans on the privatization of Mombasa Port; the word interdenominational failed to be ready making him curse while on air.


“Shit” Jeff spoke after managing to pronounce the word interdenominational the second time.


On the trending clip; the anchor looked at his co-anchor Rubadiri with a smile, a way of concurring with her on the anchored information.


Rubadiri on her side, agreed with the media personality and proceeded with news anchoring.


Jeff joins a long list of journalists who have got themselves in controversial situations while on air the latest being Rony Reagan of Mo Radio.


Ronny was recently captured being interrupted by a passerby on the streets while on air.


In the video he shared on his Facebook page, Ronny captioned “huyu karibu anipige buana”; an untidy man with unkempt hair pushes him away when on air.


However, Ronny pretends nothing has happened but creatively tells fans/viewers; ” vitu kama hivi lazma utaviona wakati ambapo taarifa tunapata kukuandalia.”

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