Home » Makeup Brushes Dirtier Than Toilet Seats, Researchers Confirm

Makeup Brushes Dirtier Than Toilet Seats, Researchers Confirm

Makeup brush, lip oil, handkerchief, makeups, tissue papers and sanitary towels are things you can’t miss from the purse of a millennial lady.



A millennial lady may forget her mulika mwizi or smartphone charger but not a makeup and its brush.



Even though cosmetic industry has raised the self -esteem of some millennials both men and women; some cosmetics have brought more harm than good especially skin cancer.



In our street talk, there exist silent loud voices of men complaining of experiencing diarrhoea after kissing lipsticked lips and others; having their white shirts dirtified through hugs.



However, scientists have confirmed that makeup brushes are dirtier than toilet seats according to Spectrum Collections, a cosmetic tool brand.



During research, Cosmetic scientist Carly Musleh swabbed clean and unclean brushes for a two- week trials and stored the brushes in several common storage areas; makeup bag, bathroom holder and bedroom vicinity.



Later after two weeks, she compared the brushes to a toilet swab. In her assessment; she found out unclean brushes having more bacteria than toilet swab whereas; clean makeup brush, having less bacteria.



Following her research, she said some bacteria even though aren’t harmful, makeup brushes when not cleaned after every use, transports dead skin and oil that can result to skin disease.



Using dirty brushes could increase the risk of causing an imbalance in the healthy microbial community and lead to an increase in the number of pathogenic microbes which could cause breakouts or more serious issues like impetigo or Staphylococcal (Staph) infections,” she said.

Woman applying makeup|photo courtesy

To reduce the build-up of bacteria, she added that it is important for one to clean makeup brushes regularly after use to avoid the spread of diseases.


How Can One Clean Makeup Brushes?


One should use gentle liquid soap. Put in a mug/ cup of water, put all the brushes and wash one by one by ensuring no makeup product is left behind before drying using a clean towel.



If one is using a cream/oil product; brush/es should be cleaned at every single use even for powder-based products but most preferably to powdered ones; a quick cleaner should be sprayed on the bristles then cleaned by using a clean tissue.



Though, Spectrum Collections co- founders claim people should make quick cleaning of the brushes at every single use and deep cleaning done once per week and regularly stored in a clean zipper pouch.

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