Home » Suspected Robber Lynched By Mob

Residents in Kitintale Zone 12, Mutungo, Nakawa Municipality have through mob justice beaten and killed a man suspected of being a robber.


The deceased Oyirwoci Alexander, 30, was a boda boda cyclist in Mutungo and according to reports, he met his fate after members of the society suspected him of joining a criminal gang which had broken into the house belonging to one of the residents at around 5AM.


When the attacked resident heard the gang breaking in, he raised an alarm that attracted the attention of his neighbors. They immediately rushed to the rescue and pursued the suspected gang of robbers.


During the chase, the residents were able to capture Oyirwoci who they badly beat and hit with stones on the head. This caused a brain leak killing him instantly.


Some of the residents however, expressed their dissatisfaction noting that the people that lynched the deceased were in plot to rob him of his boda boda.


Police from Kitintale arrived and secured the scene of the crime. The deceased’s body was found lying in a pool of blood with a huge stone that was suspected to have been used to hit his head. In the same place, the police discovered the deceased’s motorcycle Bajaj Boxer registration number UDR 982J.


These were taken to Kitintale police as part of the exhibits and the body of the deceased taken to Mulago Referral Hospital for postmortem.


Muwonge Vianne, councilor Kitintale blamed the residents who carry out mob justice. He further advised them to reach out to the police in case they were faced with such cases to avoid lynching innocent people.


Kampala Metropolitan deputy police spokesperson, Luke Owoyesigyire confirmed Oyirwoci’s murder and revealed that an investigation had been opened into the culprits behind the mob justice.

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