Home » Kirinyaga MCAs Claim Their Life Is In Danger Over Attack To Colleagues

Kirinyaga MCAs Claim Their Life Is In Danger Over Attack To Colleagues

Members of County Assembly of Kirinyaga Count are requesting the national government to tighten their security following a Thursday night attack on their colleague.



The MCAs led by the County Assembly Speaker Murimi Muteti claim that the attack was politically planned to sabotage the victim from carrying his constitutional mandate.



“It is troubling that the security situation in our county is deteriorating to such an alarming level. I call upon security agencies to take steps which are within their control to protect lives and property of the citizens of Kirinyaga,” said Muteti.



Muteti condemned the incident urging the county security operatives to speed up investigations so those responsible for the attack face the law.



 “As the authority works extensively to bring the culprits to book, I urge any information that can help in apprehending the perpetrators of this act to volunteer to the police.” he said.



Inoi Ward MCA Frederick Maina, His Wife and mother were attacked by three armed thugs as they headed to their homestead.



The MCA together with his wife suffered slight injuries during their struggle to escape the attackers.



However, they were rescued by their neighbors after his wife and mother screamed for help scaring the attackers who eventually fled the scene.



“Tulipata wakora wanatungojea kwa gate, mmoja wao akanidunga na kisu…walikuwa ata na bastola ambayo walinionyesha wakaniambia nisifanye ata kitu moja. Mungu alinisaidida nikapata nafasi ya kutoroka nikaenda mbali kidogo, alafu my wife and mum wakapiga nduru ndio neighbours wakatokea kutusaidia,” said Maina.



The MCA also said that the attack could be politically planned.



“Siwajui hao watu, hakuna mtu nilitambua ati naeza shuku ni mpango nilipangiwa. Nadhani hii mambo ni political juu mimi nimeingia katika siasa…serikali itafanya uchunguzi,” he added.



The matter has since been reported to the Kerugoya Police Station and a probe into the incident launched.

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