Home » Bag With Child’s Dead Body Discovered By The Stream

Bag With Child’s Dead Body Discovered By The Stream

Shock gripped residents of Mityana District after they discovered a baby wrapped in a handbag and thrown in a flowing stream near a swamp.


The bag placed in the swamp was discovered by children who were passing by and upon checking, they noticed the dead body of the one-and-a-half-year-old baby girl.


According to the residents, the mother of the deceased separated with her lover following a misunderstanding, taking with her the baby. When the she died, the mother brought back the dead body to her ex-lover to be buried but he unfortunately sent her away.


This forced the mother to dump the body at the swamp. The eyewitnesses who had gathered around the scene retrieved the bag and tried contacting the relatives to have them collect the dead body for a decent burial.


“If you break up with a man and you lose his baby, at least take her to your village to get them a proper send off instead of dumping them,” a concerned eyewitness advised the women following the tragic discovery.


The village chairman, Fred Mweseze, also condemned the act of men denying their responsibilities and not looking out for their families, forcing women to undertaking such decisions.


Police from Mitvana visited the scene and took the body of the deceased to Mitvana hospital Mortuary for postmortem.

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