Home » Mother Prepares More Sandwich For Son To Share With Needy College Friend

Mother Prepares More Sandwich For Son To Share With Needy College Friend

Beautiful hearts exist. In a world where the have nots suffer in the hands of the haves, sometime it may be our own perspectives that makes us think the world has no kind people.


But one Twitter user by the name Antonia has left fans amazed after disclosing she made sandwich for her 17- year- old son who went and shared with a friend at college who had no food.


Antonia has said her son came home and told her about his friend’s incapability to get food resulting to foregoing either breakfast, lunch or supper.


Following the situation, Antonia felt emotional and sorry for her son’s friend and made more food to enable her son go and share with his friend in college.


Now, Antonia has made it a habit of preparing more food for her son and the friend so that they can share at college and enjoy studies.


“My son made friends with a young man at college who he noticed over the last few weeks isn’t eating anything. He’s started sharing his lunch with him & the young man confessed he is starving. I now make 2 packed lunches so they can both concentrate on doing well in class,” reads the caption.


The mother of a 17- year-old college student has been appreciated on Twitter for her son’s kind heart and herself for showing motherly heart to the student.



In the comment section, some Twitter users have also disclosed their growing lifestyle where they used to go to school without breakfast, barefooted and rugged uniforms as a handful with unkind hearts claim Antonia did it as a show off.


Brigette Supernova; You have clearly raised an empathetic, aware young man with a good heart. So nice that his new friend accepts the lunches too. I’ve been too poor to afford school food and know how shameful it feels, even if it’s not our fault. Good job, mama.


Joey Swoll; Thank you for being kind and compassionate. Your son as well. We need more people like you. I know I speak for many here when I say if there’s a way we can help pay for the groceries to help feed that young man we would love to help.


Cheryl Chapman; Heartbreaking and thank you for stepping up. BUT don’t kids in this situation qualify for free school meals? Or is that not the case at colleges? No child should go hungry.


LBM@lucysjourney21; This is beautiful, my son who is 16 does the same with his friend who he knows doesn’t have lunch money. He’s fortunate enough to get them both lunch. It warms your heart at their kindness.


Carrie-Ann; I hate when people say, “You’re only doing this for attention.” You did an amazing thing, and I’m glad you posted about it! Beats reading about all the crap that’s going on in the world right now. I want to read about the nice things people do for each other!


Monica S Chamberlain; Posting this was to bring attention to hunger and help others to be aware and kind. A mom being proud of her kid. Why are some people so mean?


Kenneth Bjerhof; And that’s exactly why people should post when they do good stuff, we need a counterweight to all the horrible things. It’s nice scrolling on twitter or FB and see a post that makes you smile instead of getting out of social media heartbroken.

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