It’s Time To Get A wife, Rachel Ruto Advises A MP

First Lady Rachel Ruto and Igembe South MP John Paul Mwirigi/photo courtesy/
First Lady Rachael Ruto On Sunday left congregants at St. Thomas Athi Catholic Church in Maua, Meru County in stitches after advising a Member of Parliament to get a wife and start up own family.
“Nimeuliza waziri akasema hujaoa ni kweli? Ama umeoa? Ameoa?”
The determined First Lady advised Igembe South MP John Paul Mwirigi to find a wife to settle down with.
He was advised that getting a family is very important with the concerned first lady offering to aid him in getting a wife.
“Nilikuwa nimesema kama wasichana wa Meru hawapatikani, nataka nimpeleke huko Rift Valley nimtafutie bibi. Usikae sana, ulichaguliwa ukiwa miaka 23, lakini sasa miaka 29 at least tafuta nyumba..”
According to her, a wife will be important in ensuring that the parliamentarian has a home where constituents can freely visit and air out their issues and someone to make tea for his visitors.
“Ulichaguliwa ukiwa 23 tunaelewa lakini sasa 29…Atleast tafuta nyumba ili hawa constituents wako wapate mahali pa kukuja, na wakikuja wapate mtu anawapikia chai,”
The MP now 29 years old, was elected in 2017 when he was 23 becoming the youngest legislator in Parliament then.