Home » Yatta MP Wants LGBTQ Unit Put In School Syllabus

The Ministry of Education have been called upon to relook into its syllabus and curriculum so as to accommodate an LGBTQ unit in it.



According to Yatta MP, Robert Ngui Basil,  exposing a child at young age about the lesbianism, gayism, bisexuality, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) will enable the student grow up knowing  it is against the societal values,  illegal and  unacceptable in the community and the entire country.


”Cha kwanza, bunge linafaa kutunga sheria inayokataza ushoga na haswa kwa mambo ya elimu. Lazima kwa elimu yetu tutunge sheria ya mambo ya Ushoga yaweze kuwekwa ndani ya elimu ndiposa tuwaelimishe watoto wetu pamoja na  nchi na mataifa mengine kuwa Kenya tumekataa mambo ya ushoga na usagaji” said Basil


Basil has also asked school principals, headteachers, education directors and administrators especially from boarding schools to be on the look out as many LGBTQ cases  reported to emanate from learning institutions.



‘Mabweni pia yanafaa yaangaziwe kwa sababu ni pale ambapo  wanafunzi  wanapata kuambukizana tabia kama hizi. Kwa hivyo  ni jukumu ya waalimu wote kuhakikisha mambo kama haya hayatendeki shuleni” added Basil.



Basil comments come at a time when Kenya’s LGBTQ community is fighting for recognition and acceptance. Despite the Supreme Court’s decision, many Kenyans still regard homosexuality as a taboo that violates Kenyan culture and religious beliefs.


Already, Homa Bay Town MP Peter Kaluma has tabled a motion in parliament in  a bid to criminalize homosexuality in Kenya.

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