Home » State House Introduces Mandatory Fasting For Its Staff

State House has reportedly introduced a mandatory fasting that all staffs have to adhere to.


According to the report, the staffs are expected to undergo dry fasting every Wednesday to stand in the gap on behalf of our beloved country Kenya.


Additionally, there will be no exemption in terms of religion. Food and drinks are also banned on that day with the canteen also set to be closed.


The move is said to have caused jitters among the employees who are afraid of complaining for fear of losing their jobs.


“The staff are so upset and disoriented, but they do not know where to take their complaints to without being victimized,” Pauline Njoroge digital strategist wrote on twitter.


This is however is said to have been the norm at Karen when President William Ruto was a Deputy President.


Kenyans have had their reaction on the matter:


“You mean even NDII is fasting.?” Otieno Allan wanted to know


“What about those with medical conditions? Eg Diabetes Fasting should be voluntary. You pray and fast because you have that passion. You are praying for something you deeply feel requires you to fast. Anyway!” Concerned David Mwenda posed


“Fasting for one day in seven is an issue???? Let’s join in and pray! It’s not too much to ask,” Emily Indumwa supported the idea


“Fasting should be voluntary not forced, kwani watu wanambebaje Mungu? If it’s forced it won’t produce the desired results,” Amum Nyokuyu said

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