Home » Kilifi Teachers Challenged To Address Dwindling Education Sector

Kilifi Teachers Challenged To Address Dwindling Education Sector

Teachers in Kilifi county  have been challenged to address the dwindling education sector so as to improve performance in national examinations.


Speaking  during prize giving ceremony for teachers and schools that performed well in the previous KCSE and KCPE examinations, Malindi member of Parliament Amina Mnyazi  said  teachers are mandated to improve the education sector in Kilifi.


The Ceremony was attended by the Deputy Governor of Kilifi Flora Chibule, Kilifi County CEC member for Education Clara Chonga Matuga MP Kassim Tandaza, Kilifi Woman Rep Getrude Mbeyu area MCA Rashid Odhiambo together with National Government Officials.
The ceremony was also intended to award  teachers whose subjects excelled .


Kilifi County  executive member for education  Clara Chonga said so far as per the trajectory there was a positive change in increased performance.


However, she said it was sad that subjects such as IRE, Kiswahili and Geography which are associated with the Coast are still not performing well.


“I would urge teachers to strive to ensure they record positive performance in the future,” she said.


Kilifi Deputy Governor on her part said the MP for Malindi has set the pace for recognizing best performing students and teachers and challenged her CEC to ensure the event becomes a county event so as to boost the morale of teachers.


However, she said as a county if they take it a notch higher to recognize all the best performing teachers and schools in all the seven sub counties then they will be checking which would become the best.


She told the Malindi MP that next year the prize giving ceremony will be made a sub county event.


Chibule said there were so many students who need scholarships that’s why they need to get support from the business people, donors and partners as the county alone cannot help all of them.


Malindi MP Amina Mnyazi  said she came up with the initiative because education matters are very key in her leadership agenda that’s why she decided to recognize the best performing teachers.


She said most of the time students spend more time with the teachers even more than their parents.


“That’s why today we are saying it’s important to appreciate the efforts of our teachers for the work they are doing,” she said.


Mnyazi said those who scored B in 2021 were 27 and in 2022 they rose to 36 while those who scored B- in 2021 were 74 while in 2022 they were 88.


She said those who scored C+in 2021 were 162 while in 2022 they are 172.


“I know we have so many challenges on the side of teachers, leaders, infrastructure, laws and many others but right now you have the good will of leaders and we are ready to cooperate with you on matters of education,” she said.


Kilifi Woman Rep Getrude Mbeyu hailed the MP for recognizing over 29 teachers and best performing schools in the constituency.
Mbeyu said she gave out 50 full scholarships to bright needy students in Kilifi, a programme she launched five years ago and which has proved successful.

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