Home » Alabama Democrats Files Bill To Ban Employers From Forcing Employees With Microchip Implant

Alabama Democrats Files Bill To Ban Employers From Forcing Employees With Microchip Implant

Alabama democrats have filed a bill to present to legislature to prohibit private, insurance firms and public institutions from getting employees microchipped.


The bill sponsored by Alabama State representative Prince Chestnut and co-sponsored by House Minority leader Anthony Daniels and state representative Kelvin Lawrence have termed the plan of microchipping humans as an infringement to people’s freedom of movement and privacy.


Individual liberty and freedom of movement should always remain sacrosanct. Your right to work should not result in your employer being able to trace your steps and place you under a constant state of 24-hour-a-day, seven-day a week surveillance” Prince Chestnut told one local daily in Alabama.


According to the pre-filled bill, a microchip is an electronic device implanted in the body of a person to transmit information to the required person/s via radio waves transmission.


Employers instituting rules and regulations to lawfully let employers get microchipped is a full violation of one’s human rights.


The move which Chestnut saw at Winscon firm clearly shows that, the device- microchip does not have a supportive device that provide health measures, diagnosis, monitoring and prevention of ailments in the body of a microchipped person.


This is more hazardous to one’s life for in case the person contracts health defects as a result of the microchip, none of the institution will cater for the welfare of the employee or bail bondsmen.


However, if the bill is passed, Alabama will join Missouri and Nevada states to have prohibited employers from mandating employees from getting microchipped as a condition of employment or services.

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