Home » Husband Unforgives Wife For Farting In Front Of Him

An Australian woman has taken to Kidspot to seek advice after letting out a big smelly fart in front of his husband who hates seeing women farting.


The woman say her husband not yet forgiven her for farting in front of him despite living together for six years and knowing each other for over nine years.


Sam, who hid her real name say, her husband terms it unladylike in case he finds a woman farting.


She says on the day of farting, she had eaten some pizza and eggs and that night when in bed with her husband, she unexpectedly let out a big smelly fart that she felt embarrassed of herself because her husband Rob was awake, his eyes and ears wide open.


Sam, that is absolutely revolting!” He told her when the fart was still fresh fuming in the room.


“Farting is the most unladylike thing a woman can do, especially in front of her husband,” he continued the revolt.


Sam further say, at the beginning of knowing each other, they both agreed to nearly everything apart from flatulence.


One day she had accompanied her husband to a pub and a certain lady farted at the pub near their table and on their way back home, Rob told her how it’s unladylike for a woman to fart in front of men. She says Rob claimed it’s much disgusting.


For spending six years in marriage, Sam says she has been trying not to fart in presence of her husband and she usually fart while in toilet, shower room or in absentia of her husband.


However, she claims the fart she let out was much strong that even if she could have gone to the shower room or toilet, still it could have been felt.


Even though she apologized for farting, Sam says her husband keeps on reminding her how unladylike she was to fart in front of him.


In case they’re watching a movie or television and a woman farts, Rob usually pin point the scenario in relation to the day Sam farted.


On social, the comment section has turned out to be a charming phase where fans have given out diverse and witty opinions.


Amy Gavin: This why I always fart on the first date. They know from the beginning what they’re getting into.


Jodes Curtain: Farting is great. I fart wherever I am and I actually don’t care who I’m with.


Wendy Warren: She should get all her girlfriends together and have a huge fart session in the house while he’s there 😂


Liene Smith: My grandfather used to always quote: Let your wind blow free cause holding it will be the death of me.


Jan Abley: Gee lucky my husband doesn’t have these views, this guy needs to get a grip just keep letting them rip love, if he doesn’t like it tell him there’s the door don’t let it hit you on the way out. I wouldn’t even marry a man with this head up his own a#se attitude anyway.


Naomi Rae: Dude, I would’ve dumped him the moment he went on for a full hour about a beer burp. Bye Felicia!! He needs to grow tf up! Is he going to chastise a baby daughter if they have one cuz she spits up or poops?! He sounds unbearably ridiculous to me.


Sarina Carinci: Dude, I would’ve dumped him the moment he went on for a full hour about a beer burp. Bye Felicia!! He needs to grow tf up! Is he going to chastise a baby daughter if they have one cuz she spits up or poops?! He sounds unbearably ridiculous to me.


Jeannie Lewis: Well I feel very sorry for you. How can you expect him to be sympathetic to you when other very normal bodily functions occur as they do for women – menstruation, child birth, menopause? What about if and when children come along. Just wait for the poo explosions, let alone the expulsion of wind. Big red flags for me especially the way it made you feel. Get real mate.


Troy Kelso: Best to let it out and stink a little then hold it in and be a cripple ..this bloke needs to get over it farts are hilarious me and the mrs fart all the time in front of each other signs of a healthy relationship 💨💨💨


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