Chinese Sperm Banks Appeals To Varsity Students To Donate Sperms

Chinese sperm banks are appealing to varsity students and healthy grown up men to voluntarily donate sperms after the country experiencing a decrease in population by the year 2022.
The donation which comes with some payment, enable the youth and healthy men aged 20- 40 paid at the end of donation.
Yunnan Human Sperm Bank found in South West China, was the first Sperm Bank to call upon people to donate sperms on 2nd of February, 2023.
According to official data released by the National Bureau Statistics of China in January, Chinese population has decreased by 850,000 for the past 61 years.
In 2015, the Chinese government scrapped off the law allowing citizens to only have one child although there were no changes where citizens were allowed to have two children.
As the case, Chinese sperm banks are appealing to healthy varsity students and men to donate sperms for subsidy.
Yunnan Human Sperm Bank on 2nd February highlighted procedures, guidelines and all requirements one needs for sperm donation.
Men aged 20-40, taller than 165 cm with no infections/ genetic diseases and holding or pursuing a degree were appealed to donate sperms for subsidy $ 664.
Shanghai sperm bank on the other hand offered a high subsidy payment of $1000 with tough rules. Baldhead men, hypertensives, those who smoke and consume alcohol are excluded among the list of sperm donors.
The Shaanxi sperm bank on the other hand wants donors to be at least 168 cm and said the subsidy for a complete donation would be 5,000 yuan ($734).
In 2021, Chinese government allowed couples to have three children after realizing the previous concern was not bearing fruits to ensure there’s an increase in population.
To fill the gap of population decrease, the youth will earn heavily and patients in need of sperms catered for. According to sperm banks’ reports, there is a shortage of sperms in their centers and patients in need of sperms are experiencing a huge problem to increase the population of China.