Home » Before Saying YES, Do The Following

Sometime in your dating age, you just desire that things end well with your current partner but later on, you get yourself wondering if indeed, you were created to love and be loved.


The memories of sleeping alone and waking up on a dry phone without even a trace of a single missed call, majorly hit bitterly to a lone soul.


Today, you try dating this person. The person is good physically and in speech, has good vibes. Therefore, you two get entangled and emotions takes root.


So, you get attached to this soul and you two, become one. No cat and mouse sign is spoted or noticed. Now, you say; we must make things clear and say, yes to the popped question.


Or, you raise the question calmly and erotically. Will you marry me? Indeed, you receive a big yes accompanied by a bewitching gentle smile.


You two, hug each other. His hands wrapped around your waist, emotionally looking at your face, kisses your forehead and lastly, presses you closer to him.


You feel like dying. Tears of love start rolling down your cheeks. The blessed lady ever. When pressing you closer to feel the warmth of your succulent twins, all your body parts become weak.


All that the locusts had eaten, have been recovered by mighty and grace. What a joy! To give this man beautiful and handsome children?


As a man, you’ve done all that it deserves in love dating. Spoiled her with gifts, taken her out for vacation, attended parties, had erotic s***x and even, planned how many children you two will have.


Wow! That’s nice. Superfluous and serendipitous. But before saying yes and posing the question, have you ever asked this person these great binding questions?


                  Questions To Pose


Beiby, in case we’ve married then I get an accident and my two legs seriously get broken till they’re amputated. Will you still love me? How will you treat me as a lover? Adding a person in my life openly or secretly to supplement me?


Sweetheart, I know you love me but, what if we’re married and unluckily our marriage don’t bear fruits? Remember how friends and family members will be bashing at us.


Think of going to deliver a speech somewhere or walking with friends then they introduce themselves by the number and names of their children. How would you feel keeping in mind, our marriage is childless?


Darling, now we’re married as working class persons, have our investment intact but all of a sudden, we lose our property fraudulently or maybe, some; we were sold to us illegally without knowing then at the situation of the happenings, we all lose our jobs. How will we make sure our current love remain solid?


Darling, you know what binds marriage and brings people together. Think of being in marriage for three months then, something happens and you lose your Mr Dickson. Later on, I miscarry. Would you let me go?


What if I know your family background today? It’s really good to ask such a question to avoid some crazy and uncommon behaviors and diseases which may later be seen in your children.



In a nutshell, before engagement, such great questions should be posed. They help you know who you’re in love with both social, economical and politically especially in argument.


They help you get assured to know and spot a fake or original in your love journey. How do this person deal with anger? How does the person behave when financially broke?


Hey guys, Valentine’s Day is here loading and before saying yes or posing the will you marry me, have a spot check on the highlighted questions. Felicitations in your love.

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