Home » Murang’a Marriages Under Siege Following Water Shortage

As a result of drought and climate change, residents of Murang’a county are decrying water shortage in the county.


Speaking to the press, residents of Maragua, Ndakaini, Gatanga and Mathioya have called upon the newly launched Water Police Unit to come to their rescue.


The shortage of water which has for more than a decade affected the residents, now the situation has triumphed into marriages threatening to bring subdivision.


Women in Kamacharia Ward are forced to wake up early and queue at Karirwara river leaving families hungry and in a depilatory hygiene.


The water which is full of mud, women after fetching are being forced to boil before use. Additionally, the residents claim that the water is also salty and when preparing Ugali, the white maize flour turns brown.


Some female residents further claim they have developed muscles due to long distances to fetch water and some children developing rusty and whitish skin due to bathing with the muddy water.


Gacharage and Gatiki rivers which dried years ago, have surmounted to long sufferings as the only hope resting on Karirwara and Thuruthuru rivers which are on the verge of drying up.


At water points, it’s alleged that some young marriages are ending up in division because of sexual assault over water as young men are left single.


However, the residents are calling upon Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Water and Sanitization Alice Wahome and area politicians to come to their aid.


School going children on the other hand are being forced to go to school with water which advently, some are developing Bilharzia, Cholera and Typhoid diseases a burden to the parents.


In Turkana County, the shortage of water in the semi-arid areas has made the residents to conduct prayers for rain.


The shortage of water in the semi-arid areas has left many going dirty by putting on a single cloth for a week and occasionally not showering.


A threat to marriages, some men are complaining of their women not taking a bath and going hungry because of water shortage to prepare meals.

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