Home » Former Lawmaker Weds Two Women At Once

Watenga Godfrey Nabutanyi a former Member of Parliament married two women on weekend in one ceremony dubbed twin marriage.


The traditional ceremony which was held in Bubisikwa, Wetanga’s paternal home, Christine Nekesa and Beatrice Nanzala officiated their marriage to Wetanga at Kuushu town council in Uganda.


According to Uganda’s local daily, Wetanga had lived with his two wives for more than five years and  had children together without officiating the marriage.


In Uganda, polygamy marriage is legal according to Registration Services Bureau (URSB). Traditional cultures allow men to marry more than one wife as also done among the Muslim doctrines.

During the wedding, Hon. Pentagon Kamusiime,a lawmaker among hundreds of attendees, praised Wetanga for his bravity and honest in officiating his marriage.


“I attended my colleague’s twin marriage. Hon Watenga Godfrey Nabutanyi did a brave act by organizing a successful twin marriage I love his honesty because many men out there are not honest enough to do such” Kamusiime commented.


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