Abel Mutua Shares Deep Secrets About Njugush, Phil, Butita Friendship

Abel Mutua Kenya’s celebrated digital storyteller, filmmaker, and actor, has shared why their friendship crew is sealed with both ironic and covalent bonds.
Abel Mutua, popularly known by the moniker Mkurugenzi says Blessed Njugush, Phil Director, Celestine Ndinda, Judy Nyawira, and Eddie Butita have been together for a couple of years.
Mutua, a cremè de la cremè digital storyteller, asserts that despite the crew being there for years, it had a great impact on each member through thick and thin.
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“Hiki kikosi hakijawahi tutoka. Tukiwa chini au juu, huwa kipo tu nasi. Mimi, Njugush, Philo, Cele, mke wangu na Butita ingawa Butita alijiunga nasi mapema 2020.” Mutua stated.
“Tumeishi maisha ambayo mambo yakiwa mazuri, tupo na yakienda mrama, we tunaliwazana. Pia, sote tumekuwa na nyakati ngumu hasa sisi wakiume. Tumepitia mengi lakini kila saa huwa tunakumbushana kwamba, tunaenda mbali,” He added.
The former Tahidi High actor also flowered Dr. Ofweneke, a TV 47 anchor and MC, for emceeing his wedding without pay. Mkurugenzi disclosed that he’d never forget Dr. Ofweneke for the amazing work he did for him.
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“Dr. Ofweneke hakunitoza chochote kuwa mshereheshaji (MC) katika harusi yangu. He emceed for free. Wapo watu hata wasemwe vipi huku nje, kuna mahali walikufanyia mazuri and you owe them. I do honour my destiny helpers and connectors.” He said.
Mkurugenzi added that at the time he approached Dr. Ofweneke to emcee his wedding, they had never met. However, the talk actions left an indelible mark that he’s yet to forget.
“Dr. Ofweneke aliniambia, wewe ni bro and a colleague in the industry. Leo ni wewe, kesho ni mimi. Sioni hasara nitakayopata to come through for a brother. Mind you, it was my first time to meet him na alipiga kazi safi. Sikumpa hata shilingi. Mtu kama huyo nitamsahauje? ” Mkurugenzi explained.
However, Mkurugenzi emphasized that the essence of true friendship is not about competition or dependency. He noted mutual support, honest teamwork, and honour as what makes friendship strong and long-lasting.