Home » Boss Email Urging Female Staff To Shower Sparks Mixed Reactions

Boss Email Urging Female Staff To Shower Sparks Mixed Reactions

A boss has caused furry and divided opinion on social media over an email telling female staff members to take bath and apply feminine deodorant.
On the the email, the boss has emphasized on times of the month, where female staffs should maintain regular bathing to avoid bad odour.
Concerning hygiene, the boss has highlighted two major points to staffs and them being; keeping clothes clean and personal hygiene maintenance.
However, on keeping clothes clean, the boss has said it ain’t necessary to be a style, but just clean and neat. Moreover, that one should not leave clean clothes in the washing machine overnight and then throw in the dryer.
According to the boss, the clothing will smell soured when put on before drying quickly after washing.
On maintaining personal hygiene, the email says, one should keep the hair washed and brushed. If one doesn’t wash the hair daily, should use dry shampoo to maintain a fresh appearance.
Woman uses underarm deodorant stick for daily hygiene. /photo courtesy/
If oil is applied, one should not make the hair look oily and should also look in the mirror daily.
Further, the teeth should be brushed and one uses breath mints especially if drinks coffee or smoke. Good moral hygiene should be practiced to avoid bad breath.
Additionally and controversial, the boss has talked of regular bathing habits to avoid body odor. Deodorants and faminine deodorants, are to be used when needed.
“Advently, especially during those times of the month when you can smell yourself, others have been able to smell you for 2-3 days” says the boss.
In closure, the boss has reminded the staffs to know they are walking billboards for the company and should know what they are advertising.
On social media, fury has escalated to peak among netizens, each giving a contradicting opinion:
Susan Tina Robinson; has echoed the boy saying,  ” a lot of the male staff where I work need deodorant. “
Tobin M Webb on his side has claimed the mail was meant for one person; ” this is aimed at one staff member and because they don’t know how to handle it they’ve put it out to all female staff.”
Sascha Morgan on her side claims it’s so awful as quotes, “Use feminine deodorant as need, especially during that time of the month. When you can yourself, other have been able to small you for 2-3 days”!!! Oh my gosh! That’s awful!
But was the boss right to write an email ? Was the boss supposed to single out those “unhygienic staffs” or was good to use generalization mean?
I think it was a general guidance email not just aimed at women although a certain section was!
Personal hygiene is a very tricky subject to tackle & I’ve never found a manager as of yet that has when it has been mentioned in the office!
But I bet if someones’ fragrance bothered someone they’d be all over it like a rash!” Says Mark Hartshorn.
On the other hand, Fay Butler says, ‘Absolutely correct, nothing is worse than working with a whiffy person 8 hours a day. And far better to send a message to all the female staff rather than targeting one person, as long as you later be clean and smell fresh, there’s no offence.”

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