Home » Bizzare Cultures Practiced By African Communities
Photo potraying some of the African Cultures/photo

Photo potraying some of the African Cultures/photo courtesy/

As some traditions continue to die never to resurrect, some African communities still revolve around bizarre traditions that leaves one mouth agape. Cultures like widow inheritance and female genital mutilation are just a sample that come another decade, will just have been buried in nonfiction books. Here is a list of bizarre traditions still practiced by some African communities:


Corpse Cleansing


Despite being known by their masqueraded masks and animal costumes, the Chewa people of Malawi practice corpse cleansing.


During cleansing, the old men dressed in masqueraded masks and costumes take the corpse to a sacred place at night and slit the throat of the corpse, pour water through the throat until it comes out through the anus.


They do the process of cleansing through cleaning by swaying the corpse till the water will come out of the anus clean.


They wear masqueraded masks to link themselves with ancestors and also, a symbol of death. However, the tradition is sacred in the community.


Bridegroom Whipping


The Fulani of West Africa, Northern Nigeria, their Pulaaku, a traditional constitution/code of contact highlights, hardwork, bravery, discipline and respect as virtues that borders growth of the community.


During Sharo Ceremony, a marriage tradition; suitors are mandated to flog each other in presence of a referee until, one conceals defeat. During flogging, the contenders are guided to only flog each other on the back and not other delicate part of the body.


The one who always conceals defeat during flogging, is considered unfit to marry the intended girl.


However, the tradition or practice only takes place in a family where, the girl’s parent have decided so. This tradition though, it’s dying because of series and deaths of suitors that usually occur.

Cattle Jumping

Cattle jumping is a rite of passage among the Hermits of Ethiopia that shows the initiates are ready for marriage.


During cattle jumping, the Maza, who are men shave the initiate at the middle of his head, rubbed with sand and smeared with dung to show strength then; strips from barks of tree strapped around his chest for protection against evil spirits.


The initiate crosses over 15 castrated bulls which have been rubbed with cow dung to make their backs slippery. Failure to successfully walk over the bulls, brings shame to the initiate and his family. The initiate would then have to wait till the following year. But if the initiate succeeds, he is set to get married to a girl his family chooses for him, have children and cattle.

During the process of initiation, female relates of the initiate including the mother are flogged on their backs without crying to show support to their son/s as they beg the Mazas to flog them more till their backs are bloodied is when flogging stops.


Flogging is a debt to the initiate/s to the flogged females and will be demanded in time of need. It also shows loyalty of the females to their initiate/s.

Lip Plates/ Lip Plugs

In Ethiopia, the Mursi and Surma female are known in Eastern Africa to put on lip plates. According to their culture, a specialized old woman from the community always called to cut the upper lip of a teenage girl (13-15 years of age) and insert a wooden plate into it.

An Ethiopian practicing lip plate culture /photo courtesy/


The plate which is made up of wood or clay about 4 – 5cm, for proper fitting, 2 – 4 teeth are removed from the mouth which is also a rite of passage.


On special occasions such as weddings, traditional ceremonies and when serving husbands meals, the plates are culturally never left behind.


Additionally, there are claims in the practicing communities that, plates makes their women more beautiful and attractive. Further, the larger the plate, the higher the bride price.

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