Home » Chiloba’s Killers Used Pairs of socks, piece of jeans to suffocate him

Chiloba’s Killers Used Pairs of socks, piece of jeans to suffocate him

Slain LGBTQ activist Edwin Chiloba PHOTO/Courtesy

The long awaited autopsy reports now reveal that LGBTQ activist, fashion designer and model Edwin Chiloba died as a result of suffocation.


According to autopsy reports conducted by Government Pathologist Johansen Oduor, Chiloba had socks stuffed in his mouth and a piece of jeans blocking his nose preventing oxygen from flowing in his body as required thus leading to his death.


“Tulipata alikuwa amewekewa socks kwa mdomo ili kufanya ikuwe ngumu kupumua,’ he stated.


The pathologist also made clear that the deceased eyes were intact disputing previous claims that Chiloba had his eyes gouged out.


“Normally when a body decomposes, you would think the eyes are removed but they are intact. His eyes were not plucked out,” he said.


Remember, Edwin Chiloba’s body was found dumped inside a metal box in  Kipkenyo, Kapseret, Uasin Gishu County and up to now, five suspects among them his best friend and lover Jackton Odhiambo treated as a prime suspect are in custody in relation to his death.


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