Home » Tanzania Bans Swahili

Tanzania Minister for Education Lela Muhamed

Use of Swahili Language in Tanzanian Secondary Schools has been banned by the Government as English is made a Compulsory Language in Schools, a move set to help students express themselves in English.
The Directive issued by Benjamin Oganga, an officer attached to the Ministry of Education has already Commenced with English Orientations for eight weeks.
“We have banned the use of  Swahili in all our Secondary schools. We need to ensure our students understand and are able to use English in accordance with the policies of education,” he said.
Tanzania students in class
Remember, Tanzanian school syllabus has mainly been in Swahili with English as an optional subject. Most subjects including Biology and Mathematics are taught in Swahili.
This move comes barely months after Abdulrahman Kinana, the vice-Chairman of the Chama Cha Mwananchi (CCM)-Mainland while speaking during the World Kiswahili Day celebration shared that English remained the number one global language of business, industrialization, and digital transformation.
With over 200 million speakers, Kiswahili remains one of the most widely used African languages.


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