Home » Man In Kakamega kills Grandmother Over Her Elderly Cash stipend

Man In Kakamega kills Grandmother Over Her Elderly Cash stipend

Picture of house razed down by fire//photo courtesy

Residents of Eshitimba Village in Khwisero sub-county, Kakamega County were left in shock after a man attacked his grandmother and set her house on fire, burning her to death over her elderly cash stipend.


According to reports, the suspect,40, is said to have requested for some cash from the deceased, Floice Lisero 89 years of age. When Floice is reported to have declined the suspect’s request for money, he got angry cutting down banana plants, destroying other crops in the compound before neighbours came into the picture finally locking him in his house.


The suspect confirmed to have been abusing drugs resulting to his evident violent actions, later broke into her Grandmother’s house setting it ablaze.


According to Ms. Matilda, a neighbour to the deceased, the deceased was heard screaming for help. When she rushed to help in the company of her two sons, they found the suspect trying to break into her grandmum’s house. They pleaded with him not to harm her and later managed to lock him into his house only to wake up and find that he burnt her house.


Mary Okiso, the deceased first born daughter also states that the suspect thought her mum had received her elderly stipend after a village elder visited their home to inform the departed of the arrival of the money in question.


“He thought his grandmother had withdrawn the money because the previous day, the area village elder visited to inform mum that the Government had released  the money ready for withdrawal,” she explained.


Khwisero sub-county police commander Samuel Kogo however blames the family for not protecting the elderly woman from her violent grandson adding that a psychriatrist test will be done before pressing charges on the suspect.


“We will have to take him to be examined by a psychiatrist to confirm the state of his mind before pressing any charges,” he stated


The suspect is currently in police custody after being rescued by  police officers when an angry mob tried to lynch him in Ebukambuli market.











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