Home » Mt Kenya region is suffering from a leadership crisis, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua says.

Mt Kenya region is suffering from a leadership crisis, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua says.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua (Centre) prays facing Mt Kenya in the company of Kiambu Senator Karungo Thangwa (Left) and Nyandarua Senator John Methu.

By Labaan Shabaan.

Speaking in Nyeri County, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua said the country, and the Mt. Kenya region in particular, had suffered a crisis of leadership over the years as a result of a lack of mentorship.

“We as a region have had a problem because there was no one who mentored the young. Some of us have come into these positions because nature abhors a vacuum and not because there was a deliberate effort to create clear succession plans in leadership,” DP Gachagua said.

He spoke during an early morning trek within the Mt. Kenya conservancy. The Sunday morning trek marked the third successive early morning walk that saw him cut through the kilometers- long trail in preparation for day-long meetings with the president and other senior members of government.

During the treks and while facing Mt. Kenya, the Deputy President prayed for the leadership of President William Ruto, for the mitigation of the drought situation, for the deliverance of youth trapped in unemployment and drug abuse and that God keeps the country safe from cancer.

Over the past four days, President William Ruto has been presiding over the inaugural Retreat for Cabinet and Senior Ranks of the Executive that will set the tone for governance in the next financial year.

The Deputy President also addressed the current leadership challenges that are affecting Meru County. Soon after her election, elected members of the Meru County Assembly started impeachment hearings against Governor Kawira Mwangaza that proceeded to the Senate.

On 30th December, the Senate, however found that none of the 62 allegations levelled agains the elected governor were substantiated.

“The committee having investigated the matter in accordance with its mandate under section 33(4) of the County Governments Act and standing order 80(2) of the Senate Standing Orders reports to the Senate that it finds that the five Charges against the Governor of Meru County have not been substantiated,” read part of the report by the committee which was chaired by Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale.

“I have prayed for the people of Meru where the challenges of leadership are threatening development,” the DP said. “The president has assigned me the responsibility of creating peace among the leaders, a journey I have started and I have come here to seek God’s guidance on this task.”

The DP said that he would be meeting Meru leaders to iron out the perceived differences at his private residence in Mathira, Nyeri County. This will be the second time he is meeting the leaders in a bid to find common ground.

“The people of Meru are hardworking and they deserve much more. Their development agenda will suffer if the leadership challenges are not dealt with,” he said. “I have prayed that God touches the leaders’ and hearts so that they can put aside their differences for the sake of the people.”

He was accompanied on his early morning trek by youthful Senators John Methu of Nyandarua and Karungo wa Thangwa of Kiambu.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua washes his face in a  stream around Mt Kenya during a trek to connect with nature.

“We are happy that the Deputy President has found it in his heart to mentor us,” Senator Methu said. “He is like a parent to us and we appreciate that he has taken time to teach us the ways of our people and critical traits in leadership such as humility and servant leadership.”

On his part, Senator Thangwa said the DP had set an example worth emulating for young elected leaders.

“He has shown us the way. This is the first time that this country is having leaders who are thinking about the leaders of tomorrow,” Senator Thangwa said.

Youth involvement in key levels of governance and enterprise was one of the key pledges made by the Kenya Kwanza government.

“The President and I have agreed on the need to mentor the present crop of young political leaders and have a good succession plan for the country’s leadership,” he said. “We are here because it is the president who has mentored us. I want to do my bit to mentor the young leaders,” said the DP.

Although the trek was the last in a series of three that have formed the morning routine for the Deputy President, DP Gachagua said he would interest more leaders in joining him in future.

“I will get time to come with other leaders and have a discussion on preparing the next generation of leadership,” he said.

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