Home » An Open Letter To The Government

To our lovely Kenya Kwanza Government. A People that won Kenyans’ hearts to ascend into the topmost seat in the country.You all know it is because they saw you as a solution to their problems. Your Manifesto to those who voted for you was the best. For them, it could bring light at the end of their dark tunnel; a dark tunnel which carried a life they could nolonger afford and had all the misfortunes you can think of: insecurity, hunger, high economy and many more you can add. In simple terms you were their hope for a better future.



However, today here I am. Just a concerned Kenyan. You can call me Wanjiku, Akinyi, Hussna, Nafula, Mwende, Cherotich, Kwamboka or whichever name that you deem fit and represents a common person. One living from hand to mouth. The real hustler. I know you are my fellow hustlers but you are not like me. My net worth cannot be compared to yours. The most expensive item I own is my mobile phone which is so far my biggest liability. It has allowed me to access soft loans from more than ten sources. I therefore live in debt yet to acquire another from the just launched hustler fund but that’s not important for today.I am here to express my  concerns.



I was looking at your Manifesto and some of your clips before election and immediately after your declaration as the winners and a nostalgic mood engulfed me.

You once said that the price of Maize flour and other basic commodities would be reduced in your first 100 days. You said that the Ukraine war had nothing to do with increased prices and termed this argument by your predecessor as a tall tale. I am just concerned because today we are having different statements. The price of Maize flour is set to reduce in a year time as you also agree that the war in Ukraine plays a big role in prices of commodities. This makes me wonder whether you lied  just to lure us into voting you in or you were honestly not aware of the situation on ground, which I doubt is the case.

You also promised that fighting graft will be one of your priorities. What I see surprises me. Leaders with cases are being sanitized left, right and center. I have no problem with this. In fact, I have nobody I look at as a criminal. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty as the law states. My problem is why only those in your camp and have been appointed or  nominated in different top Government positions and your loyalists have their cases withdrawn. Reasons highlighted leave me thinking hard. One time, the DPP claims he was forced to pose charges to some individuals, another time there is no evidence and  some accused individuals to become state witnesses. My question is, why are we not seeing those in your rival camp sanitized?

Your Cabinet Secretaries and honourable members also utter words that birth harsh reaction from the Kenyans you serve. From Moses Kuria death remarks on the GMO debate to CS Education remarks on Public Universities funding. These, I stand to be corrected, were not in your Manifesto.

At some point during campaign when Azimio leader Raila Odinga talked of banning Mitumba, you used this to campaign in your favour. The other day CS for Trade mentioned your plan to calculatively do away with Mitumba clothes. I wonder whether you are still using your Manifesto or something is just amiss.



Your honourable member suggesting to have presidential term limits abolished was my greatest fear. Thanks Goodness Mr. President himself spoke against this. I would never imagine this happening in our democratic and independent country.



You have also been doing things contrary to what your predecessor believed in. From changing Kazi Mitaani to Kazi ya Mazingira, reverting port back to Mombasa to appointing the Judges. This, I don’t oppose but I’m looking forward to a day you will openly commend some of the works done by your predecessor and better on them instead of continuously talking about a dilapidated economy you inherited.



The other day you launched a paybill number for Kenyans to donate whatever amount they have to help the drought stricken regions. In less than three weeks, the Deputy President alone has parted with Ksh. 900,000 to hold a graduation party for college students and an after school party for class eight pupils at Komarock Primary School. The question is, are you being realistic? Giving the paybill translates to the Governments’ inability to fully support those regions. Dishing out money gives another different picture. From the reactions you got from Kenyans I believe you have an answer of what ought to be done.



As a youth with no stable job but respect my authority, you said every Kenyan with a National Identity Card should have a Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) pin number, I am in the process of acquiring one but honourable members, what is the essence of having it only to end up filing a nil return?



Those are my few concerns. Above all, I pray that the better Kenya your Manifesto portrayed will be a reality soon and the hustler I am will soon have a job,face no starvation and be able to pay tax as required.

Yours Sincerely,

Concerned Citizen.

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