Home » Real Men Don’t Hit And Run, They Take Up Parental Responsibilities 

Real Men Don’t Hit And Run, They Take Up Parental Responsibilities 

Hosea Namachanja 

Hitting and running is for the heartless generation not for real men. As a man, it hurts me when l see a woman struggling with life to fend for her child or children when the one who made her a mother, is somewhere chest thumping for being a father just by a name not in action. 

In our contemporary society, the growth of single mothers is alarming. And at most, not many are widows but the range is from toxic relationships, divorce and come we enjoy then depart thoughts. 

However, these groups of come we enjoy then depart thoughts and toxic relationships, are the ones dirtifying the once nice and admirable love and parenting that existed some eons back. 

The men in the category, theirs is to coat love with fake promises and luxurries then disappear in the thin air never to resurface. And some, wait till the child grow and looks for them or the child reaches a certain age then come to claim parental existence. What a whacky situation! 

As men, there’s a need to do better in parental matters. Before having a chance to navigate a lady’s honeypot freely and happily, let’s think of the outcome incase we ain’t using contraceptives. Sanely, we all know the outcome of raw sex with a person not married to. 

In case as a man you impregnant a woman not married to, take up the mantle. Face the bull by its horns. Help the lady in her state morally, financially, psychologically and spiritually for her wellbeing and the angel she’s carrying. 

Running from the situation not to take up responsibilities is a worse state a man can do to a woman who at one time, was his peace. Real men don’t pursue women for sexual satisfactions. There’s more than that. 

Even if you won’t marry her, let her navigate her life expectancy peacefully. And soon she delivers, again, initiate a talk as now parents to the child on how, your parenting will be for the welfare of the child. 

When the parental communication is good, as a man, no day you’ll own a fishy name “deadbeat father”. It’s so wierd to eat in expensive restaurants, dress expensively and live a lavish lifestyle when on the other hand, your child is suffering somewhere in the village, city or in the hands of your fellow man whom the mother of your child got married to. 

It’s sarcastic for you man to joyously bring up the children of the woman you married to while the one you sired out of wedlock has difficulties in accessing basic needs. 

It’s so inhumane to some of us men ignoring our own blood even don’t know their names yet we drive V8 and earn a nice figure salary. The differences between you as a man and the mother of your child shouldn’t include a child. 

If as a man you ain’t ready to be a father, don’t make her a mother. Leave the daughter of a person alone. Don’t caress your protruded stomach in a baraza of men when your child’s mother is battling stress of being called “single mother.”

Don’t sleep and snore peacefully when your child at school, is being bashed at for not knowing his/her father. Again, don’t make her a mother and leave her then fail to get married for the fear of your fellow men to woo her because, she already has a child. Millennial men fear women with children and the cause is we men. Real men don’t run , they take up the parental responsibilities. 

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