Home » Why Young Men Are Losing It To Wababaz

Hosea Namachanja

” A night with Mzee is therapeutic. It is pure sweetness. You wake up in the morning and the only thing you’re looking for is cold water after a marathon night, ” says Manzi Wa Kibera on a local daily.

Let’s start here, are young men lost in local brew, drugs or generally illiterate about love matters? In our contemporary society, young women are preferring old men and big boys around 50s sidelining energetic young men. What’s the chemistry behind this scene? 

1. Immense Satisfaction

Rumours has it that, most young men are losing the bet because they don’t satisfy their baeu’s as it’s supposed. It’s alleged, they’re of three seconds and others, less than five minutes.

However, there’s a myth that, most young men are just concerned with their own welfare. Satisfying their sexual urge forgetting the expected erotic volcanic eruption and fireworks by women. 

In a chit chat with some campus girls, one asserted, ” I expect quality services. One to prepare me psychological and emotionally. To pamper me till I feel it but not this issue of stripping me off my clothes and starting firing bullets like an experienced thug in robbery.” 

Beside that, one says, ” quality services matters. You may be a three minutes babe but, I’ve received immense pleasure. Duration doesn’t matter either the size of Mr Dickson. “

2. Less Chaos, Drama & Stress

Most millennial women claim, Generation Z men are full of chaos, drama and stress. Additionally, they don’t know how to love a woman and what a woman want. It’s alleged, most of them only think that millennial women what they want is just sex which is a lie. And by the way, what do women usually want in love relationship? 

Just like men, millennial women want peace, love, understanding men and forgiving ones apart from quality bedroom game. And this is found in experienced old men and Big Boys.  Ironically, millennial men are full of chaos and ” Character Development.”

Most young women claim, young men are chaotic and stressful. Totally unsatisfied with one partner, violent whether drank or normal. Rarely admit defeat. Millennial women feel good to see themselves winning an argument with who they love but young men don’t know that. 

Objectively, just when still on a chit chat, one campus boy says, ” you girls are too demanding. You want everything in love and also, you need no one to question your stray opinion or deeds. How do you expect me to keep you? “

3. Fun

This one looks crazy but has some great weight. Among campus girls, many date Wababaz or old men just for fun. They just want to have fun and explore love matters with these octogenarians. To feel how different it is between young men and old men when it comes to bedroom pool game. Who strikes best and wins at the end of the day. 

4. Economic Constraints

Currently, uchumi ni mbaya. The economy is too tough. Because of the toughness, most young men in campus depend on parents/guardian for financial support. And those outside campus, many are jobless others do menial jobs to earn a living. Generally struggling with life. 

As the case, they can’t support the lifestyle of a Generation Z woman/girl. This is highly prompting most young women go for old men and big boys( married men) from 35 + years for financial gain. This is like a physical war trending in 3rd World Countries. The war between financially stable married men and financially struggling unmarried/ married young men. 

Currently, TDH ( Tall Dark and Handsome) phrase generally means a man with a nice pocket. Whether it’s peace of mind or six pack, the key thing is money. 

5. Love For Lavish Lifestyle 

” Better mourn in a range Rover or Six Bedroom than on a nduthi or single bedroom”. This is the current mantra among young women. This implies, a young man must try by all means to have money. 

On campus, most campus girls will prefer an old man or Mubaba because he has money than a campus boy. She dates a Mubaba just for lavish lifestyle but on several occasion, eating the contemporary holy fruit is preserved for a poor campus boy. This one is poor financially but blessed in drilling the holy mine.

Still among the young women, peer pressure is swindling down many to live in a six bedroom house, well ventilated, has a WiFi rooter and a 32 – inch screen to watch Netflix. As the case, a young struggling boy will automatically lose it to an old man like Mzee Kijana the boyfriend to Manzi wa Kibera. 

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