Home » Why Corruption Is Us Hypocrite Men ln A Sheep Skin

Why Corruption Is Us Hypocrite Men ln A Sheep Skin

Hosea Namachanja

Gone are the seasons when sisterhood and brotherhood were seen as the positive essence of prowess in the society. Tribal inclinations less of nightmares and neighborhood, depicted real cohesiveness and peace in the society. 

The child of a neighbour was caned mercilessly and respect between children and adults adored as the environmental virtue. The suffering of a neighbour, was a distress to the whole community. 

Sexual abuses brought about by youth were rarely unheard off. Rape cases juxtaposed by infidelity adults, men of wealth or sexual desires of a relative or father developed to a daughter; were unforgivable sins of the day.

In our millennial era, destitution circumnavigating economy, sadist thoughts, greed for lavish lifestyle and unemployment threats; have multiverse lying eloped to pleasure for money lee ways to success. 

Corruption which some days back was depicted as a relative offering a job opportunity or a close friend; currently, things ain’t the same. It has morphed to ” connection (s). “

However, the outgrown corruption (connection), may calculatively be a situation where corruption itself has gone successful. We men are currently the men eating society. Sisterhood and brotherhood that existed 40 decades ago, has maladjusted to chaos, cash for jobs and sex for chances. 

It’s we men yapping of corruption, forgotten boy child in favour of girl child, applauding and watering the seed of gender competition and a fight for ” who is better” in the society. 

It’s we men, demanding sex from women to offer them job opportunities and sidelining our fellow men. It’s us who are building a slavery environment for our fellow men to make them unsuitable for some jobs. 

We’re creating bad environments for ourselves and complaining of ” the youth don’t have skills” – men. It tatters and shreads my heart whenever l see a male HR or Boss talking ill-manneredly to a fellow boy child or ” a less beautiful girl” when hunting for a job. 

However, even though we have some sane men, we evil men are uncountable. In most firms, there’s a loud silent noise of we men promoting women for sexual exchanges and demoting or terminating the work contract of our fellow men. 

Our sexual greed in working environment is inadmissible. No wonder, the society is sick because of our behaviours. Competent women who deny “us men” sex are harassed till they quit or expunged under false allegations. 

Other women, for instance during a job interview; we’re denying them working chances because they don’t have ” beautiful faces or sexually attractive body figures.” Advently, as if the mentioned things are job requirements in a firm. 

This is lowering the self-esteem of some of our girls till they resort to other things like self employment, others hating their slimness and many, seeking body adjustment remedies like make-ups and butt- extension injections. Reason, they feel less of human beings. 

There exists many bully bosses in our private and public firms characterized by male gender dressed in white pretentious suits of corruption, expunging competent men and women, and recruiting quacks.  

Our politicians keep saying “we shall end corruption” yet, their lives are surrounded by loud silent voices of sexual assaults and extra-marital scandals.” Our men keep updating job adverts just for PRs yet they’ve already employed someone and now on payroll. 

Some of our girls keep complaining of men being lazy in hunting jobs yet, they’re offering their bodies freely to men in position for same jobs. A man eating society. We live in a crazy world. Money buying money and money being everything. Connection on the other hand, a vague tale of the day. 

In our millennial era, when connection is connected to corruption, it may be the “connection” of sex, money or just favour from God inclined with one’s great qualifications for a job. ” Tafuta connection mtu wangu.” One is meaning, money or sex. Men; it’s just us who are supposed to change societal perceptions towards job hunting trends. 

It’s us to stop practicing evils to deny other people chances of works. Unless we men stop the habit of taking advantage of people’s vulnerability in hunting jobs, corruption will never end. We will continue suffering, dying and later buried as tears of miseries stay in the eyes of those we mistreated when seeking jobs, working or seeking promotions.

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