Home » Money: Losses Nairobians Leave in The Village

Hosea Namachanja

Money: Losses Nairobians Leave in The Village

The rate and honour at which city people are welcome in the village is so interesting. These persons usually receive perfect accolades and respect. 

It’s rare to see city persons washing clothes or just cleaning compounds while in the village. At most, you see them basking on the sun in the morning, storytelling at midday and having a village nature walk in the evening. 

At night, talking about the prepared meals, fondling their phones, amusing the villagers with social media trends and changing Tv channels from community Tv station to international or national ones. 

City persons with only 3Kgs of sugar, 3 breads and 2.5 Kg of liquid cooking oil, is a direct ticket and a back up to carry a whole village store of grains, chicken, banana, fruits and sugarcane to the city. 

Others, lure the old folks with lesos, 1kg of sugar and a credit card or 100 Ksh to an octogenarian and within a half an hour, a cock worthy 1000 Ksh meets the knife. As if that’s all, the old folks will give the person another life chicken to go and eat. 

If you may think you’ve heard it all, meet a fresh college graduate in the village and enquire something about a job. This person without demur shyness, will boast on how uncle so or aunty is going with his/her academic papers and CVs to get him/her a job. 

Unluckily, many of these promises from city persons are never true. They’re just there to prove to innocent graduates and relatives or family members that they’re kind-hearted people. The graduate if only sets a believe on them, may end up missing nice small but earning gigs from the village or friends. 

It’s so heart wretching that with the tough economy we are experiencing, some unmarried and married men eye on village school going girls, have sex with them, impregnant them or infect them with STIs. And because some girls don’t have money to procure abortion, live in a distressed, hateful and isolated environment. 

Due to pregnancy and failed abortions, resort to dropping out of school, start selling bananas by the road sides, plaugh people’s farms or get married to other villagers. This maybe because, whoever impregnanted them disappeared in the village to the city, cut the communication and even denied the pregnancy. 

Pending debts can’t be left out. What do we expect from those city people in the village who overspend their saves on a festive season ? Many after living a higher lifestyle in the village, consequences never shun their lives.

When reporting to work, some lack fare and rent. As the case, borrow money from villagers who even sell some house properties to lend them money. Here, is where shock alarms villagers the moment these city people fail to pay the debts or refund the borrowed money. 

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