Home » Bullies Call Her Bat: No One Believes This Little Girl Exists

Bullies Call Her Bat: No One Believes This Little Girl Exists

Bullies Call Her Bat: No One Believes This Little Girl Exists| screengrab

Diella was born with a rare condition on her body that has made her called a bat by her peers both in the village and at school.

In an exclusive interview on Afrimax English, her parents disclosed that out of their eight children, Diella came out with a rare disability.

The jovial girl was born with a thick stretch connecting her shoulder and the neck making her closely resemble a bat.

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The jovial girl was born with a thick stretch connecting her shoulder and the neck making her closely resemble a bat.
Diella is a Congolese girl born with a rare condition that has instilled fear in her father about her future dating journey| screengrab

This is my fifth child. She came from my fifth pregnancy. My other kids were all born healthy without any disability but I don’t know why this one was born differently.” Cecile, Diella’s mother said.

When she was born, doctors told her parents that she would get well but the condition has remained the same for over eight years, something that has stressed her parents, especially her father.

We saw our baby born with a disability which scared us. When we enquired, no one explained to us as to why our baby had the disability” the father added.

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Following her rare disability, the parents revealed that there was a time when their daughter stopped going to school because of mockery and bullies from pupils. Some called her a bat and others went to the extent of making jokes about her thick stretched skin.

However, her father went to school and talked to teachers where respect was restored and the girl is now in grade 2 schooling peacefully without being bullied.

Her doctor pointed out that Diella’s condition can be corrected through surgery but her parents lack money to fund the surgery of their daughter. He noted that for most children born with rare conditions, the conditions were initiated by the mother’s health status.

Disabilities in children are because of infections the mother had while pregnant,” the doctor told Afrimax English.

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