“Ni Mtoto Wangu Pekee”:Kelvin Kiptum’s Father Speaks After Son’s Death

Hit by the death, Kiptum's father calls upon authorities to conduct a thorough probe claiming that unknown people visited his home and without issuing a proper identification asked for Kelvin Kiptum. Photo: Collage
Kelvin Kiptum’s father has spoken for the first time since his son’s untimely demise. While speaking live to Citizen TV’s John Wanyama, saddened Kiptum’s father Samson Cheruyiot notes losing his only child who played an important role of a provider.
He reveals learning about his death on Sunday 11 February, 2024 at 9:30 pm while watching news. As narrated by him, he received a phone call which informed him of his son’s crashed car spotted in Kaptagat Forest. He quickly took a vehicle and rushed to the scene but couldn’t locate him. He then rushed to Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Eldoret where he found his son’s body.
“Nilipata habari ya kifo yake 9: 30p.m wakati naangalia news. Nilipigiwa nikaambiwa gari ya kijana yangu iko kwa forest. Nikachukua gari mpaka hapo lakini sikumpata. Nikaambiwa amepelekwa Eldoret nikafuata hadi huko, nikampata,” he partly narrated
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Hit by the death, Kiptum’s father calls upon authorities to conduct a thorough probe claiming that unknown people visited his home and without issuing a proper identification asked for Kelvin Kiptum.
“Kuna watu wanne walikuja nyumbani. Walikataa kujitambulisha na walisema wanataka Kiptum.Walipoona nauliza maswali mengi kutaka kujua kama wanatoka kwa serikali wakasema wajiondoe”
The ‘old man’ who recalls Kiptum telling him how ready he was for the upcoming Paris Marathon, further calls upon Government for help having lost his only hope.
“Aliniambia mwili wake uko sawa sawa, kama ni kukimbia atakimbia for 1hr 59 or 58mins. Kiptum ni mtoto wangu mmoja pekee yake. Mimi sina mtoto mwengine. Mama alikuwa na shida kidogo hospitali wakasema tukae. Sijui nitasema nini. Serikali kama wako na uwezo wanisaidie. Angekuwa tungekula mingi. Saa hii hakuna mtu atatusaidia.” he added
The World Marathon Record Holder alongside his coach lost their life yesternight in a grisly road accident. He has left behind a wife and two kids.