Home » Teacher Kills Friend Using Fork Jembe
Teacher Kills Friend Using Fork Jembe

47 year old Elijah Wanjohi a primary school teacher from Kianjenge village in Ndia,Kirinyaga county has turned himself in after killing his friend, a 65 year old, retired primary school teacher on Monday 4th of December 2023.


It is reported that Elijah asked his sister to escort him to Kianjenge police post after murdering his friend whose lifeless body was lying in his compound.

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“He recorded the statement and together with the police officers,he took us to his compound where we found Mbuthia(the deceased) lying in a pool of blood,” the teacher’s sister Njeri said.


The Sub-county police commander Moses Koskei confirmed that the murder weapon was a Fork hoe.


“We found him lying in a pool of blood at 11 am in the suspects compound with serious injuries all over his body,”said the police

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Elijah the suspect was taken to Baricho police station while the deceased was taken to Karatina hospital mortuary.

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