Man Kicks Wife Into Miscarriage For Telling Him To Bathe

A woman has reported a domestic violence case against her husband who she said kicked her to a point of miscarrying her baby.
According to the victim, 30-year-old Carol Kamisya, it all started when she confronted her husband, also the OC Kiganda Police Post ASP Walugembe Ramathan about his constant infidelity and unhygienic ways.
“I told him to have a shower before coming into our bed because he had spent days away from home with different women. He refused, telling me how stressed he was,” she said.
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Kamisya stated that when she went ahead and brought a wet towel and water to clean her husband who was already in bed, he got mad and started beating her.
She reveals the incident this particular day was not the first time he hit her and, on all occasions, she reported the cases to police but never got any help.
“At first he kicked me in my chest and I made a report on 9th September but they did not even bother to give me a reference number. I went to the headquarters and PSU, Division still in vain,” Kamisya, who was armed with all her medical documents as proof revealed.
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The victim further stated how the fight and the kicks in the stomach caused her miscarriage. When she checked herself into the hospital, Walugembe reportedly packed his belongings and ran away from home.
“His friend at the station advised him to give me money for medication and feeding but he handed me only Ugsh. 20,000 expecting it to take care of me for the entire time I was there. I wonder how he is so untouchable,” she said.
Speaking to Walugembe in a phone interview, he challenged his wife to present all the evidence she has before the authorities.
“I can’t stop her from doing anything. She says she has all the evidence, then she should go ahead and give it in,” the unbothered Walugembe said.
Kampala Metropolitan police spokesperson Onyango Patrick confirmed receiving Kamisya’s file and how her witnesses turned against her.
“We asked the complainant to bring witnesses but they all turned up saying Kamisya was the one that beat her husband up,” he said.