Home » Police Rescues 1,000 Cats From Being Slaughtered, Sold As Meat
Police Rescues 1,000 Cats From Being Slaughtered, Sold As Meat

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Police in China have rescued over 1,000 cats in the city of Zhangjiagang from being slaughtered and sold as meat.


According to one media outlet in China as noted by BBC, the cats were being transported by a truck to southern part of China and sold as pork or mutton.


Chinese activists who were on the lookout, raided a truck and called over the police for security regarding the illicit trade that was going on.


Further noted that keenness is required over food security in line with meat where; some traders are selling sausages and skewers of lamb made out of cats meat.


They note that 600 grammes of Cat’s meat goes at $ 0.61 or Ksh 79.30 hence the secret practice of the illicit trade.


In 2020,  Shenzhen City became the first city in China to ban cats and dogs eating following the myth behind the origin of Coronavirus.


However in 2022, Chinese police discovered the continuity of the illicit trade in in Jinan, Shadong Province, where they rescued 150 cats heading for dinner.


Concerning the Zhangjiagang cat rescue, activist claim not having known the real use of the rescued cats on whether were going to be used as food or kept as pets.


On China’s social platform Weibo/X, citizens have raised different opinions over the cats case as some alleging, culprits to be jailed according to BBC.


May these people die a horrible death,” one Weibo user said.


Another said: “When will there be laws to protect animals? Don’t the lives of cats and dogs matter?”


One user said: “I won’t be eating barbeque meat outside any more.”


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