Home » Man accused Of Killing Harambee Stars Fan Found Guilty

Man accused Of Killing Harambee Stars Fan Found Guilty

Isaac Juma Murder

Collage of Milton Wagenge and Isaac Juma

Milton Wangenge, man accused of killing Harambee Stars fan Isaac Juma has been found guilty of the offense.


Juma met his death at night when he went out to check on a commotion in his compound. It is then that the attackers slashed him inflicting cuts on his neck, head and other body parts.


They then left him lying on a pool of his own blood.


In his judgement, Kakamega High Court Judge William Musyoka found Milton guilty of the offense and further ordered a probation report to be filed in court before passing a final sentence on Milton on September 25, 2023.


“I have considered the testimony of the witness and the accused person at the end of it was involved in the murder of Isaac Juma Onyango”


The county Government secured a new home  for the departed’s family away from their ancestral home following numerous threats they reported to have received from unknown individuals.

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